Friday, June 19, 2009

Allie's 2nd Birthday Party

Allie had a great second birthday! The party was on a Saturday afternoon and the children played outside for the first half, until the rain came that is. They played with the water table and the new baby pool. Once it rained we came inside for Mickey cupcakes & presents. Allie had a blast playing with her friends and it was great to see everyone! Birthday parties seem to get more and more detailed and costly as children get older. Thank you to everyone who came to her birthday party!

We are hoping to take her to see the mouse himself next year on her third birthday and skip the whole birthday party and presents all together. Of course baby Hunter would be too little to ride anything and we are hoping Gigi & Poppy will be willing to watch him for the week. I'm sure after the big adjustment to having a little brother to share mommy & daddy's attention, time and toys Allie will need a break and some one on one time.

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