Friday, October 23, 2009

Any Day Now...

We are waiting on baby Hunter's arrival...last week at my doctor's appointment I was dilated and measuring 2 weeks ahead so hopefully that is a good sign he will make his appearance sooner rather than later. Affective Monday October 26th most Richmond hospitals will begin enforcing a new visitation policy. See article below. Sadly Allie will not be allowed to visit us in the hospital or to meet her baby brother until we are released from the hospital. It is a shame that because some people cant use common sense and leave sick children at home when visiting family & friends at hospitals that everyone is affected. Wouldn't it be great if Hunter decided to surprise us all and arrive this weekend before the new visitation policy goes into affect? HAHA! I have been doing a lot of walking this past week we went to the Zoo and walked probably at least a mile and I heard that the enzymes in pineapple can help in starting the labor process so guess what we bought last night? PINEAPPLE! So far it hasn't worked it's magic. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon so we'll see if anything has progressed.

RICHMOND, Va. (Oct. 21, 2009) – Richmond and Tri-cities area hospitals today announced a coordinated plan to reduce the spread of seasonal and H1N1 flu by limiting visitors to healthy adults 18 years and older and no more than two adult visitors at a time per patient.

Officials said that effective Monday, Oct. 26, they are limiting visitations in patient care areas at their hospitals because the flu is widespread in the Richmond area. Children, in particular, are more likely to get H1N1 flu and they can be infectious for longer periods of time, putting them at greater risk of carrying the virus into health care settings.

Limited exceptions for special circumstances will be made, for example, involving patients at the end of life or expectant and new fathers under the age of 18. Exceptions will be allowed at the discretion of the health care provider.

The policy will remain in effect throughout the flu season, at least through March 2010. Hospital systems working in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Health will evaluate the policy based on the incidence of flu in the community.

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