Saturday, May 21, 2011

Alexis Grace Davis

Welcome home baby Alexis!

Alexis was born at 8:12 am weighing 9 lbs 5 oz. and 20.5 in long!

She is a very laid back happy baby so far!

Alexis meeting Gigi & Poppy

Allie was SO excited to come to the hospital to meet her little sister

My 3 babies <3

Mom Mom meeting Alexis

2 Days old

Loving her new baby swing

Allie loves holding her little sister

Cuddling on the couch with Daddy

5 days old

Allie loves having a little sister-she keeps telling me 'she is so adorable mommy' and she loves to watch her in the baby swing. She can't wait to be able to play with Alexis when she is a little older. Hunter seems to be adjusting well to the new baby. He is enjoying the extra playtime with Clint and he has given the baby kisses. We are very glad to be home from the hospital! The c-section was not that bad and the recovery has not been terrible but the spinal shot that I received was worse than I remembered. It was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life and I am just happy that I never have to have one of those again! My back hurts worse than the c-section incision. Overall things are going great but we are sad that Clint has to go back to work on Monday. Allie and Hunter have enjoyed spending so much time with Daddy and going on walks every day as a family.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bye Bye Binky's

I did not want to put it in writing until it was official but Ms. Allie Rae has officially given up her binky addiction! She said bye bye to the binky's last weekend and for the past 7 nights has slept perfectly without them. I had been telling her that once she turned 4 we had to give them up, the dentist had even told her it was time to say bye bye binky's because they had caused her teeth to shift. Finally she was ready last weekend to give them up. She only cried once all week for a binky and I am thinking it was because we were at Gigi's house and Allie likes to be 'babied' there. But she did not get a binky and she hasn't asked for them again. Go Allie! What a big girl!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Two for One Doctor Appointment

Allie and Hunter were both due for their check up's so I tried something new and scheduled them both together rather than having to make two separate appointments on different days and exposing ourselves to double the germs! It worked out perfectly and Allie and Hunter did great. Hunter was there for his 18 month check up and was measured and weighed. He got lucky and did not need any shots! Poor Allie had to get 4 separate shots, one of them being the tetanus which is very painful. She screamed and swatted at the poor nurse but overall did great. Here are the kids stats:

Hunter: height 32 1/2 inches tall 58%
             weight 23 lbs 5 oz.  17%

Allie: height 39 1/2 inches tall 46%
          weight 37 lbs 67%

The doctor did not seem concerned that Hunter was in the lower 17% for his weight and I am not really concerned either because he is a great eater. I think it is mostly due to the fact that he is so active for his age and he doesn't suck down 4 sippy cups of milk per day like some kids. Since he was breastfed he has never been a big fan of milk but is still drinking at least 2 cups of milk per day. He is also getting plenty of calcium and dairy from string cheese, yogurt, bread, etc He loves yogurt and fruit in general specifically applesauce, apples, watermelon, bananas, oranges, pears, etc. The doctor did mention that most 18 month old kids say about 10 words which Hunter has been doing since he was 1. He can say about 40-50 words clearly. Go Hunter! I think having a big sister helps Hunter developmentally. He constantly mimics Allie. He watches her closely and copies what she does constantly, for example, he will now hold the baby doll and give her a bottle-so cute! He also has learned to build some pretty impressive lego towers!

Allie is a great eater as well and her favorite foods include typical kid foods such as macncheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets and cheese pizza. She loves fruits, specifically blueberries, strawberries, apples and applesauce. She has started boycotting bananas after eating one every single morning for the past 4 years of her life! She has decided she does not like them anymore.

After the doctor appointment we walked down to the labor and delivery floor of the hospital and checked out the newborn babies so that Allie could see them. The plan is for Clint to pick up the kids after the baby is born and bring them up to the hospital to meet their baby sister. Should be interesting to see how Hunter reacts! Just a few more days until baby Alexis arrives!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mom's out there but especially to my mom. She has always been a great mom to both myself and Clint. She does so much for our family and we really are thankful for all that she does. She is constantly doing things for us and our children whether it be babysitting when I have a dr appointment, taking Allie to swim lessons, planting flowers for us, picking stamps up for me when I run out because I hate waiting in the long lines at the post office with two kids, buying nice things for the kids when she knows we can't afford to, sending them cute cards in the mail with money for their piggy banks, etc. She is a great mother and we love her very much!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Allie's 4th Birthday

the birthday girl wanted to eat a pink poptart for her birthday breakfast

anxiously waiting to open her pretty pink presents

gotta have some 'educational toys' :-)

she had been wanting a princess cash register for months!

pretend food

birthday girl and mommy (9 mos prego!)

Little Mermaid cupcakes!

Allie had a great 4th birthday! She kicked off her birthday weekend with a visit to Monkey Joe's (I forgot my camera!) and had a blast jumping on the moon bounces. Hunter even got to jump on a few! Then we went to ToysRUs and I told Allie she could pick out 1 toy under $10. Out of all of the toys she chose princess books! We could've just gone to a bookstore! haha Then we had lunch at Chickfila. Saturday we went to the Zoo with Gigi. We had been wanting to visit the zoo one last time before baby Alexis' arrival and Saturday the weather was perfect. By Sunday mommy was so tired from all of the birthday activities. It was SO nice to not have to worry with having a big birthday party or cleaning the house, setting up for a party, making goodie bags, etc. We had Papa John's pizza for dinner at the request of the birthday girl followed by cupcakes from Ukrops bakery. Allie enjoyed playing with her new toys and the party was over in 2 hours. I think we will start having small parties every year for birthdays until the kids are older and have more friends at school. It is a big expense to have big parties not to mention a lot of work!