Santa made a stop at our house this year! We woke up around 8 am Christmas morning to see that Santa had brought Allie & Hunter lots of goodies! Allie got a big doll house she had been asking for and Hunter got a crawl through farm. They were very spoiled by not only Santa but Gigi & Poppy! Allie opened all of her (and Hunter's) gifts from Mommy & Daddy and then by 9 am Gigi & Poppy arrived. We had our big traditional breakfast with belgian waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, etc and then went in for round 2. Allie opened present after present and one by one her doll house quickly became filled with lots of goodies. Baby Hunter got his first pair of baby Uggs, clothes, a choo choo train, 'baby's first toolbox', and lots of books. Christmas was a lot of fun, the day flew by and by 1 o'clock Allie had fallen asleep. Mommy & Daddy did not really exchange gifts this year as the new stainless steel appliances we purchased back in October were our 'early Christmas present' to each other. Hunter was only 6 weeks old on Christmas Day so I am sure next Christmas will be much more enjoyable for him :-)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Hunter's First Christmas
Santa made a stop at our house this year! We woke up around 8 am Christmas morning to see that Santa had brought Allie & Hunter lots of goodies! Allie got a big doll house she had been asking for and Hunter got a crawl through farm. They were very spoiled by not only Santa but Gigi & Poppy! Allie opened all of her (and Hunter's) gifts from Mommy & Daddy and then by 9 am Gigi & Poppy arrived. We had our big traditional breakfast with belgian waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, etc and then went in for round 2. Allie opened present after present and one by one her doll house quickly became filled with lots of goodies. Baby Hunter got his first pair of baby Uggs, clothes, a choo choo train, 'baby's first toolbox', and lots of books. Christmas was a lot of fun, the day flew by and by 1 o'clock Allie had fallen asleep. Mommy & Daddy did not really exchange gifts this year as the new stainless steel appliances we purchased back in October were our 'early Christmas present' to each other. Hunter was only 6 weeks old on Christmas Day so I am sure next Christmas will be much more enjoyable for him :-)
Christmas Eve
This year we decided to try out the children's Christmas Eve service at our church which was held at 3 o'clock. This service had more children than I had ever seen in one place-the whole auditorium was packed! Allie was even a little taken back by all of the people and was not her usual happy self. Hunter slept through the whole service and did great, as usual. The service was an interactive service where they ask the children in the congregation to participate and come up on the stage, but Allie was not interested. After church we went to dinner at Crab Louie's or as Allie calls it 'Crab Loulie's' haha.
The children were out late that night and by the time we got home and put them to bed we had forgotten all about leaving milk and cookies out for Santa. But luckily Santa still stopped at our house...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday evening around 5 pm the snow started falling and when we woke up Saturday morning the ground was covered with 10+ inches of snow! Allie got bundled up in her snow boots, snow pants & hat & gloves and went out to play in the snow with Daddy! Luckily Clint was off of work this Saturday and was able to play outside with Allie and make a snow man!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Santa Visit 2009
We went to see Santa at Short Pump Mall and Hunter opened his eyes and checked ole' Santa out but as for Allie, she wouldnt get near him. Santa even had lolli pops but that didnt matter to her. She refused to even come near him to tell him what she wanted for Christmas. Hunter sat with Santa and luckily the photographer was able to convince Allie to sit on the reindeer in front of Santa for the picture. They tried to block my mom taking pictures with the digital camera, literally jumping in front of her when she would try to take a picture, so the one above is the best we could do. We did purchase a package but they still were pretty fiesty about us taking our own pictures even though everyone else was doing the same thing. All in all the pictures the photographer took turned out really cute! And best of all there was no line because we went during the week around lunch time!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Hunter's First Garden Festival of Lights
We ventured out to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens for the holiday lights display this past weekend. It was great weather compared to last year when we froze! Allie loved seeing all of the lights and baby Hunter slept through most of it. The theme this year was butterflies, so there were butterflies made out of extravagantly creative bright lights. We had dinner to celebrate my Dad's birthday at the Tea House and the baby slept through that also. It was his very first time to go out to a restaurant. We were able to take our holiday Christmas card picture and bypass going to Sear's portrait studio all together this year. Saved us time, money and lots of germs!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Hunter's First Bath
Hunter went to his two week doctor's appointment this past week. He has gained some weight back and is now 8 lbs 12 oz. and the doctor said he looks great. His umbilical cord came off so he was allowed to finally get his very first bath this past week. He did pretty well in the bath but did not like being naked for very long. He is eating 3 oz every 3-4 hours during the day and at night he has been sleeping as long as 5-6 hours between feedings! I have been pumping during the day to make a bottle for him to eat when he wakes up in the middle of the night to speed up the process. Hunter makes the cutest faces in his sleep, ranging from big smiles to silly faces. So cute!
Allie Finally Holds Her Brother
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Baby Hunter Meets Mom Mom & Great Grandma
Baby Hunter will be two weeks old tomorrow. It is hard to believe how fast two weeks have flown by! We have made the adjustment pretty smoothly and Hunter has been sleeping great at night. We were prepared for the worst, a baby who wakes up every 2 hours to eat or even worse a baby who wants to be up all night crying or being held. But we got lucky and Hunter wakes up every 4 hours to eat and get a diaper change and falls right back to sleep.
Clint's mom and grandmother came down from Maryland to visit us this weekend. They were so excited to meet baby Hunter and see Allie Rae. Hunter slept most of their visit but they were able to hold and cuddle with him. Allie was very excited to see her mom mom! (It is very common to call a grandmother mom mom in the Easter Shore area of Maryland, I had never heard of that name before until I met Clint haha). We look forward to seeing everyone again at Christmas.
Hunter has another doctor appointment this Tuesday and we will find out if he has gained weight. He also receives his first shot! :-(
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hunter's First Doctor's Appointment
Hunter had his first doctor appointment on Friday, just 4 days after he was born. He weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz which the doctor said was good, some babies loose a lot more weight. He didnt receive any shots, just a check up and the doctor said he was doing great. He will go back in another 2 weeks for his hepatitis shot along with a weight check. He is a great eater and has been on breast milk only since he was born. He eats about every 3 to 4 hours. We are in the process of working out a night time feeding 'routine' and so far it is going well. Clint feeds him a bottle of milk I pumped earlier at 8 pm and then I feed him again before we go to bed at 10:30ish. Then he wakes me up between 1 and 1:30 for a diaper and to eat. Then again around 4:30. Allie wakes me up at 7:30 to start her day, so I am getting about 5-6 hours total of sleep which is pretty good for having a newborn. He is such a great baby and we are so glad he is healthy and happy.
Hunter Meets His Big Sister Allie Rae
When we got home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon it was cold, rainy and the area was experiencing strong winds due to a tropical storm hitting the East Coast. We were glad to be home until we walked into our house to find that our heating and air conditioning had died!! Our house was freezing cold and it was already 3 o'clock, leaving us only a few hours to try to get a company out to repair the unit. The wind and rain had caused some of our outdoor wiring to come apart. Luckily Clint was able to get a friend to come out and work on the unit and by 7 pm we had heat again. Unfortunately, it was too late at that point for my parents to bring Allie over, who we hadnt seen since Sunday evening. They brought her over Friday morning and we told her to go and find baby Hunter. He was asleep upstairs so she went running and first checked his bedroom in his crib but he wasnt there. She then looked in her bedroom and finally found him in the packnplay in our bedroom. She was so excited to see him! She gave him a kiss and we woke him up and played 'ice cream' with Allie in her bedroom. She loves being a big sister however she doesnt like when Hunter cries. She will tell us 'put him to bed' when she wants alone time with us or when he is crying loudly. She gives him binky's and kisses him goodnight and really seems to be doing well with the new addition to the family.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
He's HERE!
Hunter Nelson Davis was born on Monday November 9th 2009 via c-section at 8:21 am. He weighed 9 lbs exactly and measured 20.5 inches long. He was almost identical in weight/measurement to his big sister Allie when she was born (9 lbs 1 oz. 21 in long). He has dark hair, medium skin tone and he is the sweetest baby boy I have ever seen. His skin is soo smooth and he is a great eater. He only cries (so far...) when having his diaper changed and he loves to be held and cuddled with mommy and daddy. He is looking forward to meeting his big sister Allie! It was love at first sight for mommy, he is cuter than I could have imagined. Our stay at the hospital was great, the nurses were all wonderful, my pain level was never above a 2 (on a scale of 1-10) and I have had a much easier recovery so far than with the first c-section. I was up walking around the room by Tuesday afternoon, and we were able to check out a day early! Thank you to everyone for the well wishes, cards, texts/emails, flowers, and prayers. We are so blessed and can not wait for everyone to meet baby Hunter!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Allie had a lot of fun trick or treating this Halloween in Gigi & Poppy's neighborhood. She chose to dress up as a kitty cat this year and was super cute. She even had a tail! She didnt care much for getting the candy but knew exactly what to say when ringing the door bell at neighbor's homes. She enjoyed seeing different pumpkins on porches along with Halloween decorations. She is growing up so fast, I can remember last Halloween she didnt quite get it and wanted to walk into everyone's home haha.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Any Day Now...
We are waiting on baby Hunter's arrival...last week at my doctor's appointment I was dilated and measuring 2 weeks ahead so hopefully that is a good sign he will make his appearance sooner rather than later. Affective Monday October 26th most Richmond hospitals will begin enforcing a new visitation policy. See article below. Sadly Allie will not be allowed to visit us in the hospital or to meet her baby brother until we are released from the hospital. It is a shame that because some people cant use common sense and leave sick children at home when visiting family & friends at hospitals that everyone is affected. Wouldn't it be great if Hunter decided to surprise us all and arrive this weekend before the new visitation policy goes into affect? HAHA! I have been doing a lot of walking this past week we went to the Zoo and walked probably at least a mile and I heard that the enzymes in pineapple can help in starting the labor process so guess what we bought last night? PINEAPPLE! So far it hasn't worked it's magic. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon so we'll see if anything has progressed.
RICHMOND, Va. (Oct. 21, 2009) – Richmond and Tri-cities area hospitals today announced a coordinated plan to reduce the spread of seasonal and H1N1 flu by limiting visitors to healthy adults 18 years and older and no more than two adult visitors at a time per patient.
Officials said that effective Monday, Oct. 26, they are limiting visitations in patient care areas at their hospitals because the flu is widespread in the Richmond area. Children, in particular, are more likely to get H1N1 flu and they can be infectious for longer periods of time, putting them at greater risk of carrying the virus into health care settings.
Limited exceptions for special circumstances will be made, for example, involving patients at the end of life or expectant and new fathers under the age of 18. Exceptions will be allowed at the discretion of the health care provider.
The policy will remain in effect throughout the flu season, at least through March 2010. Hospital systems working in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Health will evaluate the policy based on the incidence of flu in the community.
RICHMOND, Va. (Oct. 21, 2009) – Richmond and Tri-cities area hospitals today announced a coordinated plan to reduce the spread of seasonal and H1N1 flu by limiting visitors to healthy adults 18 years and older and no more than two adult visitors at a time per patient.
Officials said that effective Monday, Oct. 26, they are limiting visitations in patient care areas at their hospitals because the flu is widespread in the Richmond area. Children, in particular, are more likely to get H1N1 flu and they can be infectious for longer periods of time, putting them at greater risk of carrying the virus into health care settings.
Limited exceptions for special circumstances will be made, for example, involving patients at the end of life or expectant and new fathers under the age of 18. Exceptions will be allowed at the discretion of the health care provider.
The policy will remain in effect throughout the flu season, at least through March 2010. Hospital systems working in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Health will evaluate the policy based on the incidence of flu in the community.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
We went to the Chesterfield Berry Farm's pumpkin patch this past weekend. Allie loves going there and choosing her pumpkin each year. She chose 4 small pumpkins, "one for mommy, daddy, Allie & baby Hunter" she said and she also chose a big one for the porch that ended up weighing 12 lbs! We had a lot of fun watching the cows, sheep, roosters, bunnies and goats. Allie got to ride the John Deer kiddie tractor ride too and she even got a little dirty! Next year we will have to take the wagon with both the kiddies!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Baby Shower in Richmond

My good friend Amelie hosted my baby shower here in Richmond on Saturday September 19th at Salisbury Country Club. Everything was so beautifully decorated, from the flower centerpieces to the polka dot fondant cake. We had a lot of fun celebrating baby Hunter's soon to be arrival. It was great to see my close friends and family. Clint and I have been so blessed and baby Hunter has received so many nice things.
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